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Обращение директора «Детского садика»

Address by the director of the Oxbridge International School Kindergarten

Natalia Alexandrovna

Natalia Alexandrovna is an experienced teacher, head of kindergarten and a professional in her field. Natalia Alexandrovna has been working in kindergarten for more than 4 years and knows how to make children feel comfortable and cozy. Natalia Alexandrovna is always ready to listen to her parents and help them resolve any issues.

Our kindergarten has two unique programs — the International Baccalaureate IB and the Early Development program. The IB program allows children to receive quality education in English and prepare for admission to foreign schools. The early Learning program helps children develop in all areas — physical, emotional, social, and cognitive.

In order to achieve these goals, we attract the best teachers — genuine masters of their craft. Our teachers are not only highly qualified and experienced, but also love children and know how to make lessons interesting and exciting. We believe that this is the only way to achieve success in teaching children.