Introduction to the Montessori method – How it helps children in kindergarten

The Montessori method is a unique early development system based on the writings of the Italian educator Maria Montessori. She has gained worldwide recognition for her effectiveness and humanistic approach to education. The methodology is based on the idea that every child has a huge potential that needs to be developed in accordance with their individual pace and interests.

Table of contents:

The basic principles of the Montessori methodology

  • freedom of choice: children choose what to do, at what pace and for how long.
  • Independence: children learn to perform various tasks independently, without the help of adults.
  • Practicality: all materials and exercises in the Montessori methodology are aimed at developing practical skills and cognitive activity of children.
  • Respect for the individual: Every child in the Montessori system is a unique person who is treated with respect and attention.

How is the Montessori technique used in kindergarten?

In kindergarten, where the Montessori technique is used, a specially prepared environment is created that stimulates the cognitive activity of children and their desire for independence. This environment includes various materials and exercises that are divided into several zones:

  • The zone of practical life: Here children learn to perform various household tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and self-care.
  • Sensory area: here children develop their senses using various materials and exercises.
  • Language zone: here children get acquainted with letters, learn to read and write.
  • Mathematics zone: here children learn to count, solve problems, and learn the basics of mathematics.
  • Space zone: here children get acquainted with the world around them, study nature, history, culture.

Advantages of the Montessori method

  • Development of independence and initiative: Children learn to perform various tasks independently, which contributes to the development of their self-confidence and responsibility.
  • Development of cognitive activity: children will explore the world with interest, as all the materials and exercises in the Montessori method are aimed at developing their curiosity and research skills.
  • Development of social skills: Children learn to interact with each other, cooperate and resolve conflicts peacefully.
  • Love of learning: children in the Montessori system learn with pleasure, as the learning process is based on play and independent activity.

Practical examples and tips for parents

To help your child get the most out of Montessori techniques, you can use some of these principles at home as well:

  • Organize the space: Create a corner at home where the child can go about their business using affordable and safe materials.
  • Encourage self-reliance: Give your child the opportunity to choose activities and complete daily tasks on their own.
  • Maintain an interest in learning: Read books together, get creative and experiment with different materials.

Implementation of the Montessori methodology at Oxbridge Kindergarten

At Oxbridge Kindergarten, we actively use the Montessori methodology to provide our students with the best conditions for development. Here’s how we implement this technique:

  • Prepared classes: Our classrooms are equipped with special Montessori materials that stimulate interest in learning and development.
  • Freedom of choice: Children can choose activities according to their interest, which helps them to be more motivated and engaged.
  • Experienced caregivers: Our teachers have received special training in the Montessori method and are able to create a favorable educational environment.
  • Individual approach: We monitor each child and select tasks that correspond to their current level of development.


The Montessori method is a time — tested system that helps children develop their abilities and interests in a supportive and supportive environment. At Oxbridge Kindergarten, we are proud to be able to offer Montessori education to our students, thereby ensuring their comprehensive development and preparation for future challenges.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our programs, please contact us by phone at +998 (71) 263-00-14 or +998 (71) 263-22-33. You can also visit our Oxbridge Kindergarten website and our blog for more information. We are always happy to help your child become successful and happy!

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