The importance of parents’ participation in kindergarten life


The importance of parents’ participation in kindergarten life is to create a supportive and supportive environment for the child’s development. Active interaction between parents and teachers contributes to a more effective solution of emerging problems and improvement of the educational process.

Kindergarten is not just a place where a child spends time while parents are busy. This is the second home where he learns to communicate with his peers, interact with adults, solve problems, and explore the world in all its diversity. And in order for this process to be as effective as possible, the participation of parents in kindergarten life is important.

Why is this important?

There are many reasons why parental involvement in kindergarten life is so important:

  • Improving the academic performance of children. Studies have shown that children whose parents are actively involved in kindergarten life tend to have higher academic performance, are better developed socially and emotionally, and are more confident in themselves.
  • Strengthening the connection between home and kindergarten. When parents participate in kindergarten life, they get the opportunity to learn more about how their child spends his time, what he does, and what difficulties he faces. This allows them to better understand their child and provide him with the necessary support.
  • Creating a more positive atmosphere in kindergarten. When parents are involved in kindergarten life, they feel like they are part of the community. This creates a more positive atmosphere for both children and kindergarten staff.
  • The development of new skills in children. Parents can share their knowledge and skills with their children by participating in various kindergarten activities. This can help children develop new skills and interests.
  • Strengthening partnerships between parents and teachers. When parents and educators work together, they can better understand each other and their goals. This allows them to work more effectively on the development and upbringing of children.

How can parents participate in kindergarten life?

  • Attend parent meetings and events. It’s a great way to learn about what’s going on in kindergarten and get to know other parents.
  • Volunteering at a kindergarten. Parents can help with the organization of holidays, events, as well as in cleaning the premises and landscaping the kindergarten.
  • Communicate with teachers. It is important for parents to communicate regularly with their child’s teachers in order to be aware of their child’s successes and difficulties.
  • To participate in the life of the parent committee. The Parent Committee is a self – governing body that helps the kindergarten administration solve various issues.
  • Just to be interested in the life of your child in kindergarten. Ask your child about how he spent the day, what he did in kindergarten, who he played with.

Parental involvement in the life of the Oxbridge Kindergarten

The participation of parents in kindergarten life plays a key role in the successful development of a child. This improves academic achievement, develops social and emotional skills, and creates a solid foundation for further education. At Oxbridge Kindergarten, we are always happy to see the active participation of parents and are ready to support them in this.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our programs, please contact us by phone at +998 (71) 263-00-14 or +998 (71) 263-22-33. You can also visit our Oxbridge Kindergarten website and our blog for more information. We are always happy to help your child become successful and happy!

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