The first day in kindergarten. How to make it as comfortable as possible for a child

The first day in kindergarten is a significant event for both the baby and his parents. The first day in kindergarten is a significant event for both the baby and his parents. But this new world can also be a little scary. That is why it is so important to make the first day in kindergarten as comfortable as possible for the child. Today we will talk about the world of emotions.

Here are some tips to help you with this:

1. Prepare your child for kindergarten in advance.
  • Tell your child about the kindergarten. Show him the photos, read books about the kindergarten. The more the child knows about what awaits him, the less he will be afraid.
  • Teach your child to the kindergarten day routine. A few weeks before the start of the kindergarten visit, start putting the child to bed and waking him up at the same time, as well as feeding him in accordance with the kindergarten nutrition regime.
  • Let the child get to know the caregiver and other children. A few days before the start of the kindergarten visit, go on an excursion to the kindergarten so that the child can get to know the teacher and other children.
  • Collect all the necessary things. Make sure that you have everything you need for a child in kindergarten: a change of clothes, shoes, bed linen, towels, toys, etc.
2. Make parting with your child as easy as possible.
  • Say goodbye to your child at home. Do not say goodbye to him on the threshold of kindergarten, as this may cause him anxiety.
  • Be positive. Do not show your child your anxiety or excitement. Smile and tell him that you will pick him up soon.
  • Come up with a farewell ritual. It can be a hug, a kiss, a handshake, or a special word.
  • Do not delay the farewell. The longer you say goodbye, the harder it will be for the child to break away from you.
3. Be patient.

Don’t expect your child to get used to kindergarten right away. It may take him several weeks or even months to adapt to a new environment. Be patient and support him.

4. Keep in touch with the caregiver.

Communicate regularly with your child’s caregiver to find out how he feels, how he behaves and how he gets along with other children.

5. Do not compare your child with other children.

Each child develops at his own pace. Do not compare your child with other children, as this may lead to the fact that he will feel inferior.

6. Trust the caregiver.

You have left your child in the care of a caregiver, so it is important to trust him. If you have any questions or concerns, discuss them with the caregiver.

7. Encourage your child to share their impressions.

Ask the child about his day at kindergarten. Listen to him carefully and don’t interrupt.

8. Be prepared for the whims.

It is quite possible that after the first day in kindergarten, your child will be moody, cry or not want to go to kindergarten. It is ok. Be gentle and patient with him, and he will calm down soon.

9. Do not forget to praise your child.

Praise your child for going to kindergarten and for the way he behaves there. This will help him to increase his self-esteem and make kindergarten more enjoyable for him.

10. Remember that the first day of kindergarten is an important step in your child's life.

Do everything possible to make this day as comfortable as possible for him, and he will be happy to go to kindergarten.

The first day in kindergarten Oxbridge

At Oxbridge Kindergarten, we understand how important the first day of kindergarten is for a child. We have created a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in which children feel comfortable and safe.

  • Our caregivers are experienced professionals who love children and know how to help them adapt to a new environment.
  • We offer a wide range of programs and activities that will help your child develop and learn.
  • We also work closely with parents to provide each child with an individual approach.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our programs and events, please contact us by phone at +998 (71) 263-00-14 or +998 (71) 263-22-33. You can also visit our Oxbridge Kindergarten website and our blog for more information. We are always happy to help your child become successful and happy!

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